Instead of having the boxes printed by the supplier, you can easily
do it with an inkjet printer.
The boxes are requiring always some basic information, like the lot
number, a date or a simple message.
The K-250 is the only industrial printer in the world equipped with
encoder built-in the printhead for optimal quality of printing. The
built-in encoder synchronizes the printing of the two cartridges
independently of the speed of passage of the box.
SIAT K-125 and K-250 are the NEW inkjet high resolution printers
up to 1350 DPI with 12,5mm (K-125) or 25mm (K-250) of maximum
text height to solve all your printing needs.
Easy to install and use, thanks to the multi-function keypad, K-125
& K-250 are able to meet the multiple needs of printing on cardboard
boxes. Based on HP ink cartridges type has a remarkable
On keypad display, in every moment you can check how many
boxes that you can print with message in use and cartridge, job or
any parameters status.