Sealing cases using a case sealer is faster, provides a better result and is more economical. Using of case sealer also ensures ergonomically correct working conditions.
Case sealers are designed for a variety of different tasks and needs: uniform or random case sizes, wide or narrow tape, top and bottom sealing, side sealing, automatic flap folding, etc. There is a wide range of auxiliary equipment such as packing tables with bottom flap folder.
Case sealers may be used as part of individual packaging stations or as part of a fully automatic packaging line.
Hétfő: 08:00-18:00
Kedd: 08:00-18:00
Szerda: 08:00-18:00
Csütörtök: 08:18-18:00
Péntek: 08:00-18:00
1225 Budapest, Kossuth utca 6.
2045 Törökbálint (DEPO), Raktárvárosi út 1. CV Store
Cikkszám: 123456
Available: In stock
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